Sunday, February 8, 2009

Warning: Cigarette smoking is dengerous to your health

Do you know that many people died in using cigarette than war in Iraq? According to department of health, one people die every minute or one million people every year, died using cigarette. And according to the world health organization, more than half of the Filipino youth starting 7 - 15 years old was using cigarette.

Cigarette is dangerous because of the smoke that the smokers breathe in. There are more than 4,700 chemicals contain of the cigarette. The tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide are the some chemicals contain of it. The nicotine cause of the addiction of the smoker that's why many people want to use cigarette. The tar and carbon monoxide in the cigarette are bad to the lung every time the smokers inhale the smoke of it.

Smoking can cause heart attack, lung cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. According to the lung center of the Philippine, 9 out of 10 people die because of using cigarette. Smoking is one of the reason why the baby got illness in the mother's womb.

According to the studies, it can cause high blood pressure because of the nicotine in the cigarette, that's why the heart bits fast - so that our blood need more oxygen, but because of carbon dioxide of the cigarette it leaven 15% off of oxygen going to the heart.And the nicotine cause of thickening fats in the capillaries that cause blood pressure.

The other chemicals of the cigarette are commixing with the blood and lacking the normal flow of your blood goes to the different part of your body and cause heart attack. When the capillaries in our brain lack, it can be cause stroke and other physical problem like blindness.

One of the vices is smoking, so we need to avoid it. Because when we didn't avoid it we can get so many diseases and I'm sure you don't wanna experience it of course. So the Government warning: Cigarettes smoking is dangerous to your health.


  1. my mother is a chain smoker... and I'm not...

  2. my mother is a chain smoker... and I'm not...

  3. dangerous not only for smoker health but also the people around..!!

  4. wow......smokers are public enemy,,,(even we dunno)..
    i'm sick cz the smoke cause by it...

  5. so true . young teengers are mostly chain smoker these time.

  6. smoking is dangerous
