Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Money Money Money

Everybody wants money, because its a part of our life. And some say that money is the root of all evil, well it depends on the person who gonna used it and how you can handle it.

Before, people live in the way of bartering or exchanging goods or services to obtained their needs. However bartering does not provide the transferability and divisibility that makes trading efficient. For example, if you have a chicken but need mango, you must find someone who not only has mangos but also the desire for meat.

And to solve this kind of problems, a new kind of commodity came and that is "money". A money is a kind of
currency based on the value of an underlying commodity. These kinds of commodities were chosen for a number of reason, like very durable, portable and easily to stored.

And for so many year, people used it as a medium of exchange for goods or services they needs but some of us they used it for their wants or pleasure and eventually they extensively used it and sometimes it turns to bad habit.

Like I said, it depends on the person who gonna used it. Money is good for a wise person but evil to a lazybones.

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