Monday, May 19, 2008

What? Another tag? Witchy.. you tagged me! Why?!! WAAAAH!!

The rule: Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all the 11 people.This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating.

  1. 1. Moon Goddess Lea
  2. 2. JJ Jack
  3. 3. Seath Edward O'Neal
  4. 4. Syndicate
  5. 5. Jomar Bolo
  6. 6. Prolete Atienza
  7. 7. Erika
  8. 8. Cherly
  9. 9. Ivan Rubio
  10. 10. Rigs
  11. 11. JaSon

1. How did you meet # 4? He's my idol writer. So you know now the answer?

2. What would you do without #5? Nothing! I think he is no longer my best buddy.

3. What would you do if #2 and # 6 were going out? What!!!! how come??? they didn't know each other.. lol

4. Who’s #10’s best friend?The person in #9 i think hehehehe :p

5. Have you ever eaten around #1? Yes! when she attempt to apply to my previous job

6. Do you miss #2?No... I never meet him before...

7. Who is #11 dating?Ohh no!!! no!! no!!! I'm straight guy for your info .. lol :p

8. What do you think of #3?He is a brilliant writer whom I so much admire!

9. What do you think of #9? Ask him... hehehe I don't want to make any comment to him...

10. Who does #2 like? I think his wife..... :)

11. Would you marry #8? She's my crush! Wow... Is this true??? !! ohh yeah!!!

Wait, where's the question for #7?
--- Erika is my ...... You know :) lol

Now, I am tagging everyone..

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